Mandy Goldman


Your healing Journey starts here!


My passion is helping people feel good from the inside and out! I have been a hairstylist for 23 years and connecting and uplifting people became my specialty! I was born into this world an artist a free spirt and spiritually connected to my soul and those around me. As your spiritual cheerleader I will help you connect deeper with the beautiful source within you. Aligning with your best self.

I am a mother of four beautiful kids, Leo, Mateo, Milo, and Violet, and wife to my amazing soul mate Nick.  Family is everything to me, for us it's loud, it's snuggly and hungry!

In 2016 our son Mateo was diagnosed with leukemia. Life stopped and our world changed! After a long battle, recovery, complications and relapse, then more treatment, and healing and healing and more healing we shifted and grew and gained and changed and triumphed. My journey has strengthened my connection with God, source and the power of healing energy.  Having no choice but to look fear in the face and jump into the unknown I have learned a lot. I turned to yoga and meditation and a boat load of reiki. I read a lot about energy and healing. I listened to Abraham Hicks podcast every day and Gabby Bernstein. I commented to feeling good as fast as I could staying positive was the key to survival. I connected with other parents and friends to keep my mind in check. Durning Mateo's first treatment I was introduced to Sound Healing. In five minutes of lying down I felt all my stress melt away. I felt lighter and grounded and centered all at same time. I felt connected to the bowls, the sounds, the vibration.

I knew right away I needed more! As I busy mom it was more of a dream, I could see myself up there playing.  Making that happened in reality seemed unrealistic. This is where the universe is always working for us. Fast forward to the winter of 2021. Mateo was at home recovering from his second stem cell transplant, all four kids were home schooling, and I was desperate to heal my family from this nightmare! I had and Army of Reiki practitioners including my Dad a reiki master working on Mateo. I needed this time to be different then last time. Now Mateo was 12 and totally an active participant in his healing. I decided to follow my dream and dive deep into learning the ancient art of Sound Healing. I got certified, I bought my set of crystal singing bowls and played every night! We chanted, we prayed, we meditated our way to wholeness. I fell in love with all of it, and like any good girlfriend I can't wait to share it, and sharing is something I do best, so here we go.... 

I want to share my path to inner peace, balances, stillness, positivity, sisterhood, strength and resilience! We will heal together through yoga, reiki, and sound. We can build a community that supports each other. Connecting over the juicy stuff! The stuff that makes your soul free, your heart opened and face glow.

I teach private and group Reiki infused Yoga classes where we focus on balance and strength finding alignment from the inside out!

I host group and private Sound Baths, where you can totally relax into the sounds of my ancient instruments. Letting go of all that doesn't serve you and move into your highest vibration. From this place the self-healing begins, and the manifesting starts! 

My favorite is a comb, 45mins of Yoga and 45min Sound Bath. This combination prepares your body for the ultimate reset and total chakra alignment!

I also love to give back. I host benefit classes for my favorite charities and families suffering from childhood cancer.

Once a month I host a Sound Bath for cancer survivors and their caregivers. Along with a special kids class and class with a focus on grief.

Sound Bath Benefits:

-Relieves stress & stress-related issues such as PTSD

-Reduces anxiety & depression

-Decreases blood pressure

-Improve sleep

-Improve mental clarity, focus & memory

-Reduces pain

Every class is unique, delivering exactly what your body, mind and spirit needs.

Let's get this healing journey on!!!